What sort of God would send good people to hell?
Responding to the question of whether the existence of Hell means that God cannot be a God of love.
Related resources for Making Sense of God - a review
Responding to the question of whether the existence of Hell means that God cannot be a God of love.
What does human society tell us about human nature? Are we essentially good or bad?
'God: new evidence' is a series of six videos exploring how cosmic fine-tuning points towards the reality of a creator God. Various…
Paul Davies & John Lennox discuss whether life might exist elsewhere in the universe and discuss signs of design in the universe.
This is a ‘wham-bam, take it or leave it’ book. Prof. Grayling issues terse, often idiosyncratic, definitions without…
A review of the film The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
At one time, every parent and child knew all about Nativity plays. Many will have memories and photographs of tea-towel-adorned shepherds,…
"Make them remember you." The Doctor’s advice to Amy and Rory as they faced the Parliament of the Daleks (episode 1: 'Asylum of the…
A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing (Free Press, 2012), by cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss, has been lauded…