The Sweet Words of an Enemy
If your mother claims that you are an honest person, we may trust you that you will do what you say. Yet some reservation is understandable…
Related resources for Did the Gospel Writers Spin Their Accounts of Jesus?
If your mother claims that you are an honest person, we may trust you that you will do what you say. Yet some reservation is understandable…
Mike Licona responds to the latest attempt by the hyperskeptical community to advance the thesis that Jesus never existed.
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
Some people claim there are 'lost books' that should have been included in the Bible. Greg Koukl says this view doesn't make sense, whether…
Is Jesus History? by Professor John Dickson explores how the life of Jesus and the claims of the Bible intersect with sources from the…
An exploration of the ‘hidden’ first 25 years of the Christian era, examining the impact of Christ upon the ancient world.
What reasons do we have to trust Mark's Gospel?
Did 'core' Christian beliefs slowly change over history? This talk considers: the Gospels; the divinity of Jesus; and the resurrection.
Peter May considers some of the earliest evidence for the resurrection: the early Christian creed recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5