Crucifixion: Con Trick to Start a Religion?
Explore why Jesus' death on the cross is central to understanding God’s love, justice, and forgiveness, challenging common misconceptions.
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Explore why Jesus' death on the cross is central to understanding God’s love, justice, and forgiveness, challenging common misconceptions.
My youngest son Hugo used to have an invisible friend called Luke. Luke Skywalker to be precise. Ever since meeting Luke in a film, Hugo…
This fascinating lecture points out the details which show that the New Testament Gospels must have been based on eyewitness accounts.
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Is the idea that Jesus is both God and man confusing, unnecessary and wrong?
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We live in a sceptical age. We are sceptical about politics, so millions do not vote. Sceptical about the police, apparently ridden with…
This simple advice will help you answer tricky questions about what the Bible says.
A lawyer's examination of the evidence for Christianity.