Has Jesus Been Exaggerated?
Many people think Jesus was real, but that his followers exaggerated his identity. Here are three reasons why we can trust the biblical…
Related resources for Did Jesus Claim He Was More than a Prophet?
Many people think Jesus was real, but that his followers exaggerated his identity. Here are three reasons why we can trust the biblical…
The October 2000 issue of The Atlantic Monthly featured a perceptive, and, to many, a surprising essay on the renewal of evangelical…
Peter S. Williams examines the historical reliability of the New Testament in the light of the findings of archaeology. “On the…
What reasons do we have to trust Mark's Gospel?
When the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) come to your door, if you get into a conversation with them on who Jesus is, you can expect them to…
The usual attempts to defend the historical reliability of the New Testament are often fairly general in nature. These arguments are…
Many people today doubt Jesus was a real person. Here are 8 ancient non-biblical sources that provide evidence of his existence.
An exploration of the ‘hidden’ first 25 years of the Christian era, examining the impact of Christ upon the ancient world.
For the first time, Western Orientalists (primarily in Europe) are applying an external historical / critical analysis of the Qur’an,…