The Qur’an vs the Bible
For the first time, Western Orientalists (primarily in Europe) are applying an external historical / critical analysis of the Qur’an,…
Related resources for Did Jesus Claim He Was More than a Prophet?
For the first time, Western Orientalists (primarily in Europe) are applying an external historical / critical analysis of the Qur’an,…
What reasons do we have to trust Mark's Gospel?
Giotto’s famous fourteenth century painting of Pilate [view it here] is an intriguing departure from the popular interpretation of…
The doctrine of Christ's divinity is the central Christian doctrine, for it is like a skeleton key that opens all the others. Christians…
William Lane Craig sets out the historical and Biblical evidence that leads to the conclusion that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
Orthodox Christians believe that Jesus is the unique Son of God in human flesh. However, some unbelievers, who may or may not believe Jesus…
A survey of various aspects of contemporary Old Testament study relating to its reliability and authority.
A 2-part series on the New Atheism looks at (1) The Straw God and then (2) Attacks on the New Testament.