Isn't the Bible Full of Errors?
Many non-Christians see the Bible as completely unreliable. Here are some tips for addressing this challenge.
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Many non-Christians see the Bible as completely unreliable. Here are some tips for addressing this challenge.
A New Testament scholar reviews Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code.
What could a Christian say in response? Well, wisdom often leads us to follow a certain course of action over many other options. For…
Some people claim there are 'lost books' that should have been included in the Bible. Greg Koukl says this view doesn't make sense, whether…
This video describes how the geographical descriptions in the New Testament Gospels demonstrate their reliability.
A survey of various aspects of contemporary Old Testament study relating to its reliability and authority.
Why the so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" is a modern forgery.
A 2-part series on the New Atheism looks at (1) The Straw God and then (2) Attacks on the New Testament.
This video considers how long it took before Jesus's first followers came to believe that he was the Son of God.