The Quest for the Historical Israel – a review
Finkelstein and Mazar represent two of the most influential Israeli archaeologists of the present generation. Finkelstein is a professor at…
Related resources for "The Gospel of Jesus' Wife": a forgery
Finkelstein and Mazar represent two of the most influential Israeli archaeologists of the present generation. Finkelstein is a professor at…
Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold.…
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
One of the most frequent arguments leveled against the infallibility of the Bible is based upon the fact that the Bible was written by…
How can anyone believe the New Testament account of the life of Jesus, seeing that it was written so long after His death? There seems to…
This lecture was given by Professor William Lane Craig at Nottingham University as a part of UCCF's Reasonable Faith Tour. The lecture is…
The Gospel writers portrayed Jesus as claiming to be the 'Son of God', but can history verify this and, if so, what did Jesus mean by it?
Who is Jesus? What did he claim? And how should we respond?
What could a Christian say in response? Well, wisdom often leads us to follow a certain course of action over many other options. For…