How can I make sense of all the suffering?
In a world where we see so much suffering, what reasons are there for hope?
Related resources for The One Big Question: the God of love in a world of suffering
In a world where we see so much suffering, what reasons are there for hope?
Christopher Ash opens up what the Bible says about the tricky question of suffering.
Part 3 of a video series examining why God allows suffering describes some personal responses to suffering.
Examining the problem of suffering first as an intellectual question and then as an emotional and visceral issue.
The earthquake in Pakistan, the tsunami in Southeast Asia, the devastating hurricane in the gulf coast of United States, babies dying of…
Four part video series on the problem of suffering.
The events of this past week leave us all numbed and confused as the appalling pictures from Haiti are beamed into our homes. This poor…
Does the problem of suffering deal a fatal blow to the idea of a good, all-powerful God?
Every day as you read the newspapers you are flooded and bombarded by a world that is imbued with suffering and pain. Why all this…