Jesus for Sceptics - Introduction
Jesus for Sceptics is a book written for those who are sceptical about Jesus but are open to considering the evidence about him.
Look into the evidence for Jesus Christ.
Jesus for Sceptics is a book written for those who are sceptical about Jesus but are open to considering the evidence about him.
Why is there a cross in every church and around many a neck?
The central conviction of a Christian is that Jesus was not only human but shared the nature of God.
If someone were to claim that Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great never lived, you would think them crazy. Such an idea never crosses…
We live in a sceptical age. We are sceptical about politics, so millions do not vote. Sceptical about the police, apparently ridden with…
It’s no bad thing to be sceptical. It saves you taking on board a load of rubbish. But by the same token it is no bad thing to revoke your…
There is perhaps no area of Christian belief which is treated with such scorn by sceptics as the claim that Jesus was raised from the dead.
Nobody who has seriously examined the evidence can doubt that the four Gospels were written in the first century AD.