What Difference Does the Resurrection Make?
In this video, five experts who are convinced that Jesus rose from the dead share how it has changed their lives.
In this video, five experts who are convinced that Jesus rose from the dead share how it has changed their lives.
A brief summary of the biblical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.
The resurrection of Jesus is the basis for Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15) and Christian hope (1 Peter 1–3). Therefore the…
In this article, we shall look at Matthew’s account of the resurrection of Christ in Chapter 28 of his Gospel. In particular we will…
In this talk, Gary Habermas analyses the claims by James Cameron, in his Discovery Channel documentary 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus', that a…
Thoughts on the film Risen which looks at the resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of a sceptical Roman soldier.
This talk looks at recent developments the resurrection through established facts that even critical scholars generally accept.
Mark Stibbe’s latest book focuses on John’s resurrection account and offers an accessible, close reading of the passage which,…
A lawyer's examination of the evidence for Christianity.