Hallucination Theories to Explain Jesus' Resurrection?
Dr Gary R. Habermas considers the claims that Jesus' resurrection can be explained away as various forms of hallucination. After a…
Dr Gary R. Habermas considers the claims that Jesus' resurrection can be explained away as various forms of hallucination. After a…
[This talk gives] the background for what we’re going to look at in the next few sessions, which will be on the resurrection of Jesus…
The followers of Jesus said he had risen from the dead. They reported that he appeared to them during a period of forty days, showing…
The first disciples claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead. But is it possible that such stories are a deliberate deception?
If Jesus really rose, it changes everything. Here are some great reasons to believe the resurrection actually happened.
In March 2008, Professor Gary Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor and Chair of the Philosophy and Theology Department at Liberty…
The fundamental question concerning miracles is what is the nature of God’s relationship to the world? Christians claim: God is…
This talk looks at recent developments the resurrection through established facts that even critical scholars generally accept.
The most significant event in history is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the strongest evidence that Jesus is the Son of God. This…