Fictional Absence
In Fictional Absence, Pete Lowman considers the presence and absence of God in English literature. It has been slightly revised for…
In Fictional Absence, Pete Lowman considers the presence and absence of God in English literature. It has been slightly revised for…
Margaret Atwood is one of the most important and influential writers alive today. Her fiction explores and reflects the current cultural…
Philosopher Peter S. Williams reviews the Christian, Hindu and Secular Humanist perspectives on themes of Truth, Faith and Hope in the…
Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled examines the presence (and absence) of God in the English novel, with particular reference to Tolkien and…
This resource provides extracts from Dr Paul Coulter's extensive study of The Shack.
The act of reading is an act of decoding. Until our everyday habits are disrupted, we don’t realize how complex a process it is. How…
Please note that the content of this talk partially overlaps that of Jerry Root’s other talk entitled 'C.S. Lewis’s Approach to…
English literary history is a curious thing. And one especially curious thing about it is that it contains very little of importance which…
To my mind, one of the main interests of Philip Pullman’s controversial trilogy is not specifically related to the books. It lies in…