How can I make sense of all the suffering?
In a world where we see so much suffering, what reasons are there for hope?
In a world where we see so much suffering, what reasons are there for hope?
The existence of evil seems to challenge the idea of an all-powerful God of love. Here is one person's account of grappling with this…
Christopher Ash opens up what the Bible says about the tricky question of suffering.
Helpful pointers for answering questions about the harsh reality of suffering.
Part 3 of a video series examining why God allows suffering describes some personal responses to suffering.
Part 4 of a video series examining why God allows suffering looks at "the hardest question", the suffering of children.
Ian Paul responds to Stephen Fry's comments on what he would say to God.
Examining the problem of suffering first as an intellectual question and then as an emotional and visceral issue.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks 'How can God allow suffering?'