Studying ... Chemistry?
A Christian perspective on studying or working in the field of chemistry.
A Christian perspective on studying or working in the field of chemistry.
What does it mean to write from a Christian worldview?
The first time I'd really thought that God might have something to do with being an engineer was sitting in a lecture on the 'Professional…
Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled examines the presence (and absence) of God in the English novel, with particular reference to Tolkien and…
Anthony Thiselton introduces key thinkers and ideas within philosophy of religion through the centuries.
What are the opportunities and challenges of studying medicine as a Christian?
A short suggestion on how to respond to un-evidenced assertions – at college, university or anywhere else...
In this book, Philip Ryken sets out the need for students to take a distinctively Christian approach to their studies – and all of life.
Alister McGrath provides advice for Christians considering the possibility of working in academia.