Religious Pluralism
One of the most perceptive analysts of the consequences of pluralism for the Christian churches is Lesslie Newbigin, who is able to draw on…
Related resources for "If you were born in India you would be a Hindu."
One of the most perceptive analysts of the consequences of pluralism for the Christian churches is Lesslie Newbigin, who is able to draw on…
How do you respond when someone says 'Being a Christian is good for you, but I don't need that'? A look at the ramifications our…
This workshop will consider the relationship between faith and reason, what might count as evidence for religious claims, and the…
This workshop addresses the function of the will both in the formation of a belief and the critical review (audit) of one’s network…
A question we often hear is, "Does it really matter what I believe as long as I believe in something?" Or, "As long as your belief helps…
This three part seminar gives an historical overview of the various schools of thought on the subject epistemology - how we can know…
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet 'The arrogance of Christianity: is Jesus the only way?'.
A man once gave this illustration. He said, “Suppose you take ten men and blindfold them and lead them over to an elephant. You now…
The Bible says there is a way that seems right to man, but the end of this is the way of death (Proverbs 16:25). In other words, a person…