Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Cell biologist Lewis Wolpert has recently attained a measure of notoriety with the British public, primarily through the publication of his…
Cell biologist Lewis Wolpert has recently attained a measure of notoriety with the British public, primarily through the publication of his…
Drawing on recent scientific arguments including evolutionary explanations of morality and the latest experiments in neuroscience, as well…
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a brilliant mathematician, astronomer and physicist. He was appointed to the chair of Mathematics at the…
God Questions is a record of debate arising out of a correspondence between American Atheist Professor Carl Stecher and English Philosopher…
The following is an extract from Philip Vander Elst's full paper of the same title. The whole paper can be downloaded from the link on the…
UCCF and bethinking.org offer this paper to encourage consideration of these important political topics, but do not endorse any particular…
Creating a work of philosophy that is both deeply rich in meaning and accessible to a non-philosophically-trained audience is a daunting…
In Fictional Absence, Pete Lowman considers the presence and absence of God in English literature. It has been slightly revised for…
The encounter between Bishop Samuel Wilberforce ("Soapy Sam") and T.H. Huxley ("Darwin's bulldog") is often portrayed as a typical example…