Studying ... Maths?
What has the God of the Bible got to do with maths? What has maths got to do with the Christian gospel?
Is there a specific Christian approach to studying a particular subject? How can Christians ensure that their studying honours God and maintains integrity – especially in a non-Christian or even anti-Christian environment?
What has the God of the Bible got to do with maths? What has maths got to do with the Christian gospel?
In 'Redeeming Mathematics', Vern S. Poythress argues that mathematical truth reflects God’s character.
Ruth Bancewicz sets out to help scientists understand how their Christian faith and scientific research can complement one another.
What are the opportunities and challenges of studying medicine as a Christian?
Some thoughts on studying archaeology and / or anthropology as a Christian.
What are the challenges and opportunities for Christians studying Law?
How can theology students make the most of their unique opportunities to share the gospel with their course mates?
How do subjects like sociology, human geography and anthropology reveal the wonder and brokenness of human culture?
Advice on the role of, and issues facing, a Christian academic in the world.