My Biggest Mistakes in Philosophy and Theology
Two talks from the Theology Network's 'Biggest Mistakes' Conference provide helpful advice for anyone studying theology or philosophy.…
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Two talks from the Theology Network's 'Biggest Mistakes' Conference provide helpful advice for anyone studying theology or philosophy.…
A look at how the rise of mass media has helped us create alternative 'electronic universes' – worlds where God has no place.
Hegel is a challenging and influential thinker. This short but rich book engages with Hegel from a Reformed Christian perspective.
Anthony Thiselton introduces key thinkers and ideas within philosophy of religion through the centuries.
What are the opportunities and challenges of studying medicine as a Christian?
How has the way art depicts humanity changed over time? How should the truths of the Christian view of humanity shape creative practice?
How do subjects like sociology, human geography and anthropology reveal the wonder and brokenness of human culture?
A short suggestion on how to respond to un-evidenced assertions – at college, university or anywhere else...
Advice for Christians in academic life and the workplace.